Crystal Balls and Crystal Bowls : Tools for Ancient Scrying and Modern Seership-
- Paperback | 256 pages
- 152 x 228 x 19.3mm | 478g
- 08 Sep 2002
- Llewellyn Publications,U.S.
- Minnesota, United States
- English
- Author: Ted Andrews
This text offers practical information on the applications and use of the quartz crystal ball and modern crystal bowl as a magical tool. The book takes the ancient processes of divination and scrying out of the realm of the supernatural and places them in the domain of natural knowledge. It reveals why crystal balls and crystal bowls are dynamic instruments for transformation, and how they can be used to divine the future, the astral project, to connect the spirits, to heal and to balance the human energy system. The book explores their many functions, and reveals the secrets of vibrational energy, as well as its application for increasing intuition and activating creativity. Step-by-step, the reader can learn techniques for crystal gazing, scrying, attuning to spirit guides, developing clairvoyance, and healing. Crystal balls and crystal bowls are two powerful tools for opening to higher states of consciousness, and this book provides information on the "hows and whys" of them and aims to show how their magic can enhance the reader's life.