Smudge Kit - Happy Defense Protection
This kit helps to clear, balance, purify and cleanse away negative or stuck energies in your life, and protect you from harmful electro-magnetic frequencies.
Quantity: sage smudge stick, a Palo Santo wood stick, an abalone shell, a smudging feather, loose sage leaves, an essential oil votive candle, 3 protection crystals, and a full colour smudging guide with prayers included.
Clear Quartz is thought to be a Master Healer. It is one of the most dynamic crystals, and it's thought to be helpful in both deflecting negativity and attracting positivity. It has very strong powers of protection against anyone who doesn't mean you well.
Citrine is stone known to bring hope by eliminating negative energies. It is good for protection and helps bring stability energetically. The stone drives out darkness and night fears and helps to protect against negative people.
Shungite is capable of protecting and healing you simultaneously. It grounds you to the earth, guards you against harmful electromagnetic frequencies, and other harmful toxins in the air and all around us, and it is known as the miracle stone of the 21st century!